After a number of years since our Mothers passing, and with a new headstone in place, my sister and I decided it was time to head out to the cemetery where Mom was buried.
Now, as Moms burial plot is not in city proper, this translated into sister day...definitely fun, but always expensive.
Pointing the car in the right direction, two daughters headed off, to pay their respects, to their Mom.
Upon arrival, we noticed, two things...
there's alot of frigg'n Canada geese visiting our Mother
and the other residents daily...
and second...
some city employees were working on neighbouring plots in the area.
Unloading the car of necessary paraphernalia we went about setting up our space, just as Mom had taught us during our camping days.
After finding the right sun in our eyes and flat land to sit, we start reminiscing about all the years gone by.
Now, as was mentioned in part 1, our Mother Liz,
enjoyed being comfortable,
craved the outdoors,
endless camping
and the thoroughly ridiculous...
so we came prepared.
After an afternoon of hilarity we headed home...but there was one stop on the way we just had to see...a house with no sidewalks, lots of beautiful grass and a swing out on the huge chestnut tree...our grandparents home.
Being two old ladies sitting out front in sis's car, we could be mistaken for spies..
but then the new owner came over and asked if we needed help. Hearing whom we were, she immediately invited us in as if we were celebrities!
Finally we headed home...
knowing that we would be returning again next year
to pay our respects to the woman that taught us...
right from wrong...
we only have each other...
try to keep our mouths shut...
and don't feel sorry for yourself.
There is always someone worse off than you!
So smile damn it!!
All in all it was a fun day...
and we did it...
'Lizs way'!
Just another day in the life of a Canadian,
living and loving it in Mazatlan...
my home in Paradise!