Looking out the front door I see Hub scratching his head...“What are you doing?”
‘There’s a new crack!’
It's Hubs new obsession. He’s looking at our walls and I don't mean casually. Rather he's hunkered down and examining them in great detail like a gynaecologist.
‘There’s a new crack!’
It's Hubs new obsession. He’s looking at our walls and I don't mean casually. Rather he's hunkered down and examining them in great detail like a gynaecologist.
“You do understand that we live on a hill and everything's concrete!”
Cracks...even fine line cracks send him into a panic. Now I can understand concerns with drywall, but for gawd sake, we live in a country of cement and concrete!
Rushing back to the point of interest he leans down and points...'See, where the floor joins the wall...IT’S SINKING!’
“And this means what?” I enquire casually.
You see we just finished having ‘the boys’ here for 3 months erecting the walls and floors and now the worry wart wants to have them back to redo the work!
I go into the kitchen and hand him a glass...
Heading back into the house I shout over my shoulder ....'Tequila of course! Drink it and then tell me if the floor is still out of level!'
Just a few thoughts from two Canadians living and loving it in Mazatlan!
Linda and Hub.