Thursday, December 18, 2014

The maid

'Linda. Did you hear the doorbell this morning?' Hub yells from the second floor.

“Which one? The front door that actually works or the back one that still doesn't?'

I watch Hub go out into the front courtyard and ask... “Sooo, whatcha doing?”

'I'm going out to look for the maid.'

Hold your panties on folks. It's not that we have a ton of cash, after all we are retired, on one pension. But, when we heard that our neighbours were going to be away for a few weeks and since their maid would not be working, we offered to pay her to clean a few things at our casa.

“So let me get this straight mister good think the maid is lost?”

'Well she is late and I don't want her wandering around the street, lost.'

“Afraid she might be cleaning somewhere else?”

Just then the working doorbell rings and Hub goes running for the front door.

As he opens the front gates I call out...“See! She found the place.”

A short while later Hub is moving a few boxes I had put together to declutter the place.

With the maid working upstairs Hub comes in from the garage and announces...'Well Linda!! It's finally happened!'

“What are you talking about now?”

'I thought I heard voices out the backdoor. So I went, looked out and there wasn't anybody there. But then there was a voice coming from the car in the garage.'

I start looking for the medical number I am assuming I will need shortly.

'Stop that! After careful and professional investigation I found the voices.'

“In your head?”

'Noooooo woman! After careful investigation I found it coming from those damn boxes you packed for decluttering the house. HA!'

“Whatca talking about??  Ohhhhh....”

'Yessss!!! It was that talking toy you have that says sarcastic things. Turns out someone forgot to take the battery out and it's up against something in the box! Damn near scared me to death!'

“So overall it's just a real scary day then,huh?”

'Now what are you talking about?'

“Well, you're actually putting stuff away...”

'Don't be a smart ass Linda.'

“And now you're hearing voices...”

'Ah haaaa! That was your fault woman!'

“And now you're actually going to have to dust off that wallet of yours and pay the maid shortly.

'OMG it is a scary day!!!'

Just a couple of thoughts from 2 Canadians, living and loving it in Mazatlan...our home in paradise.

Linda and Hub