And then I hear it....
Actually it's just a mosquito, normal size but to Hub it looks and sounds like this...
In yesteryears I would have jumped...but Hubs reaction is becoming all tooo familiar these days.
Calmly I reach over and put the electric bug zapper on the table.
As I rise to leave Hub touches my arm gently and advises me...'Thanks, but I know how to get the little bugger.'
"If you're sure?" not wanting to doubt his skill.
'Yeah...really. Not necessary. Got it all under control.'
Just then the phone rings and I do head inside to answer it.
While on the phone I look back and see Hub, taking controlling the situation.
First I see him the insect.
Yup, letting the bug know that he is in total control...and then...
I watch him carefully grab his hat, his tool of destruction and then admire his upper body I hear...
Just a day in the life of two Canadians,
living and loving it in Mazatlan...our home in Paradise!
Linda and Hub